Monday, July 16, 2007

I've called in the Calvary!

Today was a good day, design-wise. I've gotten no knitting done at all, but I did get the pattern for Shirley (see previous post for pics) completely done and sent to a proofer! I've also put a call for help out to the folks in my favorite online knitting group asking for beta testers for the pattern. I can't actually put a link to the blog or post a picture, so volunteers will be expressing interest in a project that haven't actually seen yet. Not sure I would respond that myself, but here's hoping their curiousity will be peaked.

I will be getting the other two bag patterns, Julia and Jodie finished in the next day or so. I'm ready to start teaching these! They are so much fun to do...

Smiley just called from the 16th hole and is ready for Miss Me to head for the golf course to taxi him home. I'll be back shortly to start posting my teaching schedule for August...

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